
Showing posts from April, 2022

Automatic colony counting with mobile phone

  In the fields of medical and health, environmental protection, food, chemical industry, biological industry, etc., bacterial culture is very important work. The calculation of colony count is a very necessary evaluation index. However, the counting of colonies is a very tedious and boring process. Currently counting The methods of colonization are: One: Manual points, manual points are very time-consuming, and you need to record the progress of points at all times. If you are disturbed, the counting will be inaccurate. Two: counting equipment, there are professional technical equipment at present, but the purchase of counting equipment is expensive and inconvenient to use, so it needs to cooperate with professional software and computers. With the development of artificial intelligence and the improvement of mobile phone configuration, we can directly take pictures of the petri dish through the mobile phone, and the number of colonies can be automatically identified. more precise...


  在 医疗卫生,环保,食品,化工,生物产业等领域,细菌培养都是非常重要的工作.菌落数计算更是非常必要的评判指标.但是菌落的计数是一个非常繁琐且枯燥的过程.目前计数菌落的方法有: 一:手动点数,手动点数非常耗时,且需要时刻记录点数进度,如遇打扰,会导致计数不准. 二:计数设备,目前有专业的技术设备,但是计数设备的采购昂贵,且使用不方便,需要配合专业的软件和计算机. 随着人工智能的发展和手机配置的提高,我们可以通过手机直接对着培养皿拍照,即可自动的识别出菌落个数,且识别方法是采用人工智能算法,而非以前的图像识别,结果更加准确. 首先我们需要下载"精点相机" app.可以在各大应用商店自行下载. 然后下载菌落点数对应模板. 接下来,我们只需要对着培养皿拍照,圈选点数范围即可. 点击识别,等待几秒,就可以完成点数操作了.   如果结果有偏差,还可以手动调节精准度或者手动点击图片进行结果纠正.